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java keytool import openssl

java keytool import openssl

java keytool import openssl

Download java keytool import openssl

java keytool import openssl. You could also potentially use openssl to convert the PEM file to PKCS12 and then import it using java s keytool executable. Here s a shell  You could use Java s keytool executable to generate your CSR files Use OpenSSL to convert the certificate into an PKCS12 keystore Import  I have some problems to import them into Openfire 3.3.0. The I tried to import the PEM-Cert form my CA with Java-Keytool openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in jabber-private.pem -inform PEM -out jabber-private.der -outform  First, as you ll need to sign the final JAR file, with OpenSSL installed, I ran the keytool -import -file certificate.crt -alias jaxin -keystore jaxin.jks Keytool does not allow us to import a private key into a keystore. Thus we need to use OpenSSL for this but OpenSSL creates the keystore in  Need to convert an x509 secure certificate so that it can be imported into a Java keystore Here is how to do it using an intermediate DER  keytool -import -alias client -file public.cert -keystore server.truststore keytool -list -v and we can convert that to a text file using openssl As a one-liner openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in server.pem openssl md5 to an existing Java keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mydomain -file  It is not required to import this certificate in the Java default cacerts keystore. my-sa5client openssl pkcs7 -inform der -in Luna Key.p7b -outform pem -out  1. openssl rsa -in rsaprivkey.pem -pubout -outform DER -out rsapubkey.der Java developers can use the keytool utility found in the standard JDK to create the public/private key pair and X.509 import To create and sign a certificate in a Java keystore (JKS), CertName .jks , perform the The default openssl.cnf file requires the following entries to match keytool -import -file CertName .chain -keypass CertPassword -keystore CertName .jks 

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